About Us

Tabisa Furuya
Tabby is a Japanese-born content creator and YouTube video producer, based in Osaka, western Japan.
Tabby had a non-traditional Japanese education with a focus on the creative arts and continues to enjoy dance, song, and classical guitar.
Discovering the 古事記 ‘Kojiki’ in her adulthood, for Tabby, the stories in these remarkable books are the key to understanding the often mysterious and complex culture and daily life of Japan.
Rarely translated or otherwise accessible to outsiders who wish to know ‘the real Japan.’ Nature. Work. Ritual. Inspired by the legacy of 小泉八雲 (Koizumi Yakumo, 1850 – 1904, birth name Patrick Lafcadio Hearn), Tabby aims to popularise and explain the myths and legends of Japan to the wide world in a new age.

Nicholas Hayes
Nick is an Australian born pilot and classically trained musician, resident in Osaka, western Japan. Born in Penola, South Australia, Nick had a western education in Catholic schools. Realizing his childhood dream to become a professional pilot, he relocated to Australia’s north where his work, musical performances, and daily life brought him into contact with traditional Aboriginal people. By local convention, he was adopted into the Yunupingu of east Arnhemland and introduced to Yolgnu creation stories and legends. Moving to Japan in 2017, Nick was struck by the similarities of the creation stories he had learned in Arnhemland, to those of ancient Japan.
A stranger to the ground, Nick is passionate about capturing the essence of Japan from above; the mountains, the rivers, the sun, rain, animals, and plants.